Telehealth (also referred to as “video health care” given the videoconferencing technology used) is a rapidly expanding field of medicine that allows patients to discuss health care issues with their physicians from remote locations. There was a significant explosion in the use of telehealth in all fields of medicine throughout 2020, thanks to the COVID-19 […]
What’s Next? Available Resources for Caregivers of Children with Cerebral Palsy
If your child has cerebral palsy, you likely have experienced a few moments of helplessness, frustration and fear. Although children can lead positive, fulfilling lives with a cerebral palsy diagnosis, many caregivers find themselves dealing with a situation they never expected. Finding resources and education for cerebral palsy in Farmingdale, NY is key. The more […]
Scoliosis and Compliance: What You Should Know
Scoliosis is a difficult condition because not only does it require physical correction, but it can also involve social stigma. This is especially true for children and teenagers in Farmingdale, NY, who may become the targets of teasing or bullying if they are seen wearing a scoliosis back brace in public. Adolescence is a difficult […]
Some of the Trendiest Designs for Prosthetics
Prosthetics have come a long way over the years—while 300 years ago you might have had to be content with basic wooden assistive devices, modern prosthetics offer a great deal of functionality. Now there are custom-designed prosthetics in Farmingdale, NY that seem downright trendy. If you or a loved one uses prosthetics, read on to […]
Combating Social Stigmas Surrounding Braces
Scoliosis is a common condition that can manifest itself early in life. It’s characterized by an abnormal sideways curve in the spine. Typically, the spine should be aligned straight when seen from the front or back. Sideways curves can develop at different stages of growth, for different reasons, and as a person grows taller, the […]