The Benefits of Scoliosis Screening

Children with scoliosis may experience many long-term health problems that impact their development. These may lead to troubling pain later in life or even an inability to participate in sports. Early screening when they’re 10 or 11 can help avoid many of these problems. Here are the primary benefits of getting screening and why it’s such a great option for your child.

5 Benefits of an Early Scoliosis Screening

1. Catches Early Warning Symptoms

The scariest thing about scoliosis is that it can sneak up on a child without warning and show minimal obvious signs until later in life. Screening helps spot these symptoms immediately and makes transitioning to care easier for your child.

2. Gives Parents a Better Understanding of a Child’s Needs

Early scoliosis screening helps you better understand your child’s health and care needs. This may include understanding how their scoliosis impacts things like their headaches and other types of pain that may develop in their body.

3. Corrects the Spine With Various Simple Exercises

Spotting scoliosis early can help you, your child, and their doctor correct their spinal issues with non-invasive care. For example, various physical therapy exercises can gradually improve the spine’s position to avoid pain.

4. Minimizes the Need for Surgery

People who don’t get scoliosis treatment early enough often need surgery to correct their spinal alignment. This surgery may make playing sports impossible, and it can take some time to recover from it properly. Early diagnosis can help avoid this issue.

5. Helps a Child Live a Healthy Life

Avoiding the short- and long-term problems associated with scoliosis can help your child live a healthy life. For example, correcting their back problems early enough may allow them to play sports without concern.


Who Performs a Scoliosis Screening?

A skilled medical professional will check your child’s back for signs of scoliosis, performing a hands-on process that will gauge the curve of their spine and whether it is in danger.

What Is the Purpose of Scoliosis Screening?

A scoliosis screening attempts to find improper curvature of the spine that may cause pinched nerves, pain, and even potential paralysis if it worsens enough.

How Is Scoliosis Diagnosed Early?

Doctors look for signs of curved spines, including changes in a child’s posture and symptoms of pain. The doctor can also order X-rays if the condition seems serious enough.

What May Happen If Scoliosis Is Not Diagnosed?

A child with long-term scoliosis may experience many painful symptoms, including sharp stabbing pains in the back, and may end up needing surgery to correct their back.

Take This Situation Seriously

While scoliosis screenings are no longer mandatory in many states’ schools, that doesn’t mean that you should avoid this process. It just means that parents like you need to take it seriously and help your child with proper screening steps. Doing so can ensure that they are safe from severe back issues that may otherwise linger for life.