What are some prosthetics for children with limb differences?
Children with limb differences need all the help that society can provide them to promote their needs and make it easier for them to achieve their full potential. They have so much going right for them, but they are strapped with certain issues that can make the world a more challenging place in general. This is why we want to make sure everyone knows what are the prosthetics for children with limb differences.
Attempt To Get Prosthetics as Soon as Possible
We are Prothotic Laboratories, and we recommend getting children fitted for prosthetics as soon as possible after they are born. This is because the sooner they can get prosthetics, the sooner they can adapt to them and start to use them as a routine part of their daily activities.
For newborns and children that are 18 months or younger, tiny passive hands are generally all that is required for their prosthetics. They are not yet moving around very much, and it is clear that they don’t necessarily need as much from a range of motion perspective as children who are a bit older do.
Once a child reaches age 2, it becomes more necessary to look at prosthetics that can be used for things like sports and play. They are starting to develop a wider range of motion, and it is absolutely necessary to get them fitted for equipment that will enable them to handle the full range of motion.
Prosthetics Are Always Customized
Prosthetics have to be customized to the specific needs of the child that receives them. The socket system of every human body is a little different, and it is important to recognize these differences and try to account for them. There are specific tests that will need to be done to determine which prosthetics are right for your child and how you can fit them to the socket system of that child just right. We ensure your child is fitted with something that is going to work perfectly for them, and that means getting them fitted for the materials that they require as soon as you possibly can. It is good for them, and it will help you ensure that you are doing everything within your power to make sure your child can receive what they need from their prosthetics.
There will be many bumps in the road ahead, but you can set your child out on the right path by providing them with the prosthetics that they need to function as similar to everyone else as possible. They can and will have a bright future ahead of them as long as you work on making sure you get them the equipment that they need to reach those milestones. Do not fret; take action!